
5 last-minute reminders

 23 JULY 2024

It's Comic-Con Eve!!! If you're antsy and excited or anxious about forgetting something - these 5 reminders are for you.

1. Bring your badge! 

I said this yesterday and now I'm saying it again because you don't want to step off the plane and realize your badge is in another time zone. 

2. Confirm your hotel. 

Did you get an email from your hotel this week? If not, call and confirm your reservation - especially if you've had any kind of transfer, partial cancellation or some other shift.

3. Clarify any murky hotel arrangements. 

Who's sleeping in what room? Who gets the bed and who's relegated to an air mattress? If you're part of a large group with multiple rooms/roommates, it doesn't hurt to do a final check to make sure everyone's covered.

4. Set expectations with family, friends and coworkers. 

Yesterday, a long-term client of mine predictably had an anxiety attack over my absence and emailed me a list of things she (didn't actually) needed from me. She does this every year because I am very firm that I am not to be bothered during SDCC. People don't get how all-consuming Comic-Con is, so set the stage now. Blurred reality is your friend; tell friends, family, and coworkers that connectivity is very faulty in the convention center and you probably won't get their texts, emails and calls. Maybe that's true and maybe it isn't, but it's a statement that serves a greater cause: the potency of your Comic-Con joy. 

If you absolutely have to be accountable, schedule a daily check-in time and restrict them to it. Having your phone buzz all day with work questions and annoyed demands for attention can poison your SDCC mood. Their neediness can wait until Monday.

5. Take care of any banking transfers now. 

No one is as annoying as the attendee who shows up at Comic-Con without any money. Sometimes a paycheck didn't come through or they thought their mom would let them borrow a credit card or some other mishap has ensued. If you have even slightly precarious finances, I would transfer funds around now to make sure you have valid credit cards and sufficient cash.

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