14 JULY 2019
Welcome to a monster post on tips for San Diego Comic-Con first-timers. I am not addressing lines today, because that's a separate post coming this week - but I am offering tips and answering some of the most common questions people ask.
- Bring cash. It's just faster and easier.
- Don't assume everything is a "deal." You can often find the same stuff for a lower price online. Check your phone and see if that book is really "out of print."
- If you're dead set on a sketch or signing from a certain artist, check their Twitter or homepage and see what they say about their preferences for times and arrangements.
- Barter strategically. This isn't a swap meet. It's fine to ask about volume discounts (and if you hesitate between buying 2 or more items, often the vendor will propose one) at any time. On Sunday, prices get more flexible because vendors want to unload as much product as possible. You'll see lots of markdowns, but go ahead and ask about getting a deal if you don't see anything advertised. Just be polite about it.
- Expect to have your feet stepped on and your head bumped by someone's cosplay. It's a crowd of excited people - it's not personal so take it in stride.
- Don't stop for multi-person conferences in the middle of an aisle - take it out to the lobby or the back terraces. And don't take a long time to snap a picture. Just get the shot and move on.
- If you're trying to get from one end of the hall to the other, it's often faster to go out to the lobby and walk down, then go back in.
- Don't just grab postcards and items off booth tables - a lot of attendees assume they're free but they're not always.

Parties and events
- If a line is long and not moving, bail. You're not getting in, no matter what your "confirmation email" says.
- Some people are obsessed with private and VIP parties - especially because so many attendees have fish stories about That One Time at the Private Walking Dead Party. Sometimes (especially if you're female) you will be invited in or can simply walk in like you belong there and no one will question it. If you're able to do it, don't squeal all over everyone or ask for autographs. Continue to act like you belong there. But on the whole, don't obsess over these parties. There's plenty of magic scattered all over the Con.
- Don't make a glamorously late entrance. You may not get in at all, even if you have a ticket. Show up on time.
You want to save your feet for when you need them - so indulge in pedicabs and Lyft to get around instead of walking 8 blocks. If you take the ferry to Coronado, realize it shuts down early and you may need to spend the night or rely on an expensive ride home.
Eating, drinking, sleeping
Do all 3 responsibly. I know that sounds dull but you're at San Diego Comic-Con and that is exciting - and to get the most out of it, you want to be in top form. Drink lots of water, eat good meals, take breaks, try to mix your all-night prowls with a good night's (or nap's) sleep in between. SDCC is inherently tiring and you're likely to crash hard otherwise.
Bring power packs or extra batteries. Getting
a good charge can be tough in the convention center. You can usually find free outlets
upstairs in the room 27 area - that tends to stay one of the most
spacious, coolest areas of the center - but don't count on it. You can also walk over to the various hallways and lounges
at the Marriott with their many outlets.
Bag check
It's in the lobby and will store everything you bought for a low fee, so you can roam free and unencumbered. But you can't leave your items there overnight.
It's in the lobby and will store everything you bought for a low fee, so you can roam free and unencumbered. But you can't leave your items there overnight.
Meeting people
You're going to make friends easily in line, in panels, at tournaments and offsites. Hooking up is a different story. There's a common perception that SDCC is a big nerd sexfest but I haven't found that to be true. Obviously people use apps just like normal and also meet each other in bars and parties. But in general, I don't have special SDCC advice on this topic - people always ask me how they can find their perfect geeky soulmate at the Con and it comes down to the same factors that work outside the Con.
CelebritiesYou're going to make friends easily in line, in panels, at tournaments and offsites. Hooking up is a different story. There's a common perception that SDCC is a big nerd sexfest but I haven't found that to be true. Obviously people use apps just like normal and also meet each other in bars and parties. But in general, I don't have special SDCC advice on this topic - people always ask me how they can find their perfect geeky soulmate at the Con and it comes down to the same factors that work outside the Con.
You're most likely to see famous people passing through the lobby and halls of the Hard Rock, in hotel elevators, and in the Gaslamp very late at night. You're also most likely to see famous people you're mostly indifferent to. (Exception: when I ran into Zach Woods very early in the morning at the Omni. Not indifferent at all.) Whatever your encounter is, please be polite, non-crazy and respect their wish to ignore you or move away. And don't be the person who gets up to the Q&A mike and says something creepy or hostile.
They're people, not props. At this point, I can't even count the cosplayers I know who have been groped and harassed. One friend cosplaying as Iron Man agreed to pose for a photo and the woman grabbed his crotch while her boyfriend snapped the shot. That is not acceptable. Taking pictures is - but ask first. And if you're in the photo with them, keep a reasonable distance - they don't want dozens of sweaty strangers pressing up against them. Would you?
If you arrive early enough to have some control over your room, ask for a room on a lower floor - you won't want long elevator waits or rides. Also don't be afraid to inquire about an upgraded room.
You'll see places with crowds spilling over the sidewalk and popular Con spots like The Broken Yolk or the Hard Rock Cafe - this year masquerading as The Good Place's pop-up pancake shop. Skip the line and gravitate toward the emptier places, where the food is just as good or better. If you're at the Marriott, Hyatt or Embassy Suites, the Headquarters on the other side of the Hyatt can usually seat people very quickly at the Cheesecake Factor and other restaurants. Little Italy is another good dining spot that isn't that packed.
Media coverage
Yes, you're in the thick of SDCC but you still want to check the online coverage - because you'll hear about events and collectibles and surprise guests you'd otherwise miss. If you are very focused on a certain TV show, actor or event, make sure you're glued to their Twitter. You may get lucky and hear about a surprise party or meet and greet.
- If you get up to the microphone at a panel, be succinct and resist the urge to tell your life story. Fans can get lost in the moment and keep talking and talking.
- Don't hold your iPad or camera above your head for a prolonged period, blocking the view of the person behind you.
- Don't try to save an entire row of seats for your friends. Usually people are understanding about 1 or 2 seats with your bag/jacket on them.
- Just as you would chat with people in line, be friendly with the people sitting around you. They share your fandom or interests - and they may have useful information for you.
- Most rooms will give out bathroom passes. If you don't want to negotiate that in the dark, locate the bathroom pass person before the lights go out. Note where people come in and go out because it's often on opposite sides of the room.
Security guards and volunteers
You'll see a lot of people in uniforms walking around. Let's clarify: volunteers are usually trained for one specific task (though they often know more than that based on their attendee experience) and convention center staffers can tell you how to get where usually, but don't know programming specifics. Your best source of information: attendees. We have encyclopedic knowledge of Comic-Con - not every aspect, but our own areas - and we share it generously. If you have a question, you can always ask someone wearing a badge.
Security guards have a variety of attitudes and need to be handled strategically. Some are quite nice. Some are probably nice 99% of the time, but are currently frustrated by the Con and about to snap. Others are on a major power trip. All you need to know is this: you will not win a confrontation with an SDCC security guard. If one is rude or controlling with you in a way you think is unfair, don't engage - just walk away and find another way to get what you want.
Specifically - manage them. The Con will disappoint you in some ways. You will almost definitely fail to get something you really wanted. However, Comic-Con also has the capacity to surprise and captivate you. You're on an adventure - expect the unexpected, summon your inner Zen master, and make the most of what happens. I just found out yesterday I can't make my Thursday Ray Bradbury panel, but I'm rolling with it and moving on. That's SDCC: one thing leaves and another walks in the door. Prepare as best you can, then be flexible enough to enjoy wherever you find yourself.
You're going to have a spectacular time.
Something I learned from tech conferences: take pictures of booths you want to come back to and stuff you want to pick up later. Much quicker than writing it all down.