Last minute Returning Reg prep

12 OCTOBER 2018

Do you feel lucky? Fortune favors the prepared, as they say - so make sure you're ready for tomorrow in these specific ways:

  • You have your money locked down. If your bank account or card limit is a fragile thing, you might want to check funds tonight. Should your card fail, CCI will circle back to you to get it sorted. But it's best to have everything smoothed out now.

  • Your friends are clear on everyone's Member ID, last name spelling and badge preferences. I have seen people fail to get badges because someone had someone's last name spelled wrong. I once bought someone more days than they asked for. Another time someone sent me their Member ID with a hyphen in it and I figured it out with seconds to go. If your info is on a spreadsheet, check and make sure it's correct.

  • You understand the proper time zone translation. Maybe you're traveling, maybe you still think of badge sales as not happening in Daylight Savings Time; just make sure you know what 9 am PST looks like in your land.

  • Your tech is ready. You've tested your browsers, ensured you have a device that won't hang, have a system so you can talk to your buying group while still keeping an eye on your waiting room.

Last year Returning Reg went quite smoothly; of course not, everyone got a badge and that could be you tomorrow. If so, don't spiral. You still have Open Registration. And even if you get partial badges, you'll be fine. All of the 50th SDCC hoopla means there will be plenty of activities going on outside the Con.

Good luck. I'll live blog the sale as much as I can tomorrow but it should go pretty quickly.


  1. if i dont get in returning registration...when will open starts? will be in January?

    1. We're not sure. Last year it was shortly after Returning Reg, so maybe this year it will be too.
