Note on "limited signings & seatings"

10 JULY 2015

If you want to attend a panel at the Horton Theatre or go to another "limited seating" event - or get a certain kind of "limited signing" autograph - there's some confusion about where to line up. A girl in my Martian panel yesterday went to the convention center at 6:30 a.m. and couldn't find where to line up to get a ticket for the Spirited Away screening last night; not one volunteer or staffer could tell her. Considering that this particular line is usually just for raffle tickets for drawings to get an event/autograph ticket - this equals a colossal waste of time.

So here it is. Opposite the Ballroom 20 doors  - the ones you enter through - is a small blue maze of dividers tucked in the corner. This is where you line up. Apparently yesterday the Doctor Who autographs made this line a nightmare; today it was so minimal they just passed out tickets to us. But quite a few people had a hard time finding it and hardly any staffers/volunteers knew what to tell us. In fact, at one point an "Ask Me" person asked us why we were there.

So now you know. Hopefully this can save some of you some time.

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