
Hotel cancellation policy

8 JULY 2014

Today anyone who booked a hotel through Travel Planners got a message that confirmed their reservation. Please note the cancellation policy at the bottom. The last time I bailed on a hotel room was 2011, at the Marriot Marquis, and they let me cancel Saturday night on Friday night. I didn't pay one dime in fees.

Now apparently you'll get charged a $75 fee if you try to leave sooner than the departure date confirmed at check-in. Which isn't as much as an actual night in the hotel, but it's worth noting. Also - you need to obtain a special cancellation number from Travel Planners or the hotel. I'd go with Travel Planners on this one, even if the hotel staff seems more competent.

Previously there was always a group of people who tired of the Con early and went home on Saturday, as well as a group of people who ran into friends at the Con and decided to bunk down with them and save some cash. That would open up some choice rooms on Saturday night and sometimes Friday. That could still happen this year, but I'm guessing it won't happen as much.

And on a final paranoid parting note - read your email carefully. It's not unknown for people to wind up assigned different rooms than they originally reserved. (Happened to me last year.) Finding out your room is too small/too big/too expensive is not a great way to start Comic-Con.

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