
Get a discount on Zombie Prom tickets

5 JULY 2014

If you haven't gotten your tickets yet for A Night on Zombie Island - AKA Prom of the Undead - now is the time. ZombieWalk:SanDiego is offering a $5 discount on all tickets until 10 pm Monday night. Just use the code BRAINS.

The prom is Saturday night, 26 July, at the Horton Grand Hotel, following ZombieWalk:SanDiego. The organizers say there will be "creepy cocktails, horrifying hors d'oeuvres, monstrous music, a frightening photo booth, crowning of the Zombie Prom King & Queen" and more. How do you dress for such an elegant event? "Prombie" style is encouraged, which I'm guessing involves rotted evening wear, but probably any kind of putrefaction is appropriate. Unlike traditional proms, you don't need a date, so feel free to come stag and meet the corpse of your dreams.

There are two ticket tiers. $30 is for standard tickets and $70 is for VIPs, who will get separate check-in, two drink tickets, and a swag bag. Yes, Saturday night is extremely crowded with enticing events, but this looks extremely fun - so if you want to go, act before Monday night and get that discount.

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