
First-timers, tell me your story

8 JULY 2014

For a few years now, I've followed the experiences of first-timers at the Con. It's always fascinating to see Comic-Con through the eyes of a newborn fawn, but it's also enlightening in that it points out clearly where CCI could improve and where the mythos of San Diego Comic-Con misses the reality by a mile.

So if you want to share your experience with me, I am all ears. You can keep in touch with me by email throughout the Con, meet up with me if scheduling permits, or shoot me an email at the end of it. ( I also like hearing from people who are returning after a long Con hiatus; if your last SDCC was circa 2006, let me know the changes that please or disturb you the most. (And of course, I'll protect your privacy so feel free to be as honest as you want.)

You only lose your Comic-Con virginity once - and like all rites of passage, you usually come out of it with a good tale to tell. If you want to share yours, I'll be waiting.


  1. It will be a first time for Princess Gail and me. We're coming from North Carolina. We decided to do this about a year ago, when we SO wished we could have been at the Dexter cast reunion event at last year's Con. We're atypical (I think) because we're pretty damn old (I'm 59 and Gail is 52). But we make up for our old age with immaturity! :-)
    I'll be sure to let you know how we do!
    And, we would love to run into you at some point, just to say hello, if that is even possible in such a sea of people.

    1. You're not atypical! The SDCC crowd is literally all ages.

      I'm interested to hear your thoughts and reactions. And if my schedule permits, we'll track each other down somehow.
