Pre-registration for 2014 happening Nov-Dec

1 AUGUST 2013

It looks like we're going to get a respite from the online inferno that is San Diego Comic-Con pre-registration. It's not happening until November or December. 

Who it's for: Anyone with an attendee badge from this year. No pros, volunteers, press, exhibitors, etc. Just people who wore an attendee badge around their necks two weeks ago.

When: between November 1 - December 31. Let's hope it's closer to November because no one wants to add another burden to their credit card in December.

How: eligible attendees will get one of those special CCI emails sometime in November with information. It will be sent to the email associated with your Member ID.

Special instructions: if your child attended Comic-Con this year as a kid (if they were 12 and under) BUT they'll be a worldly thirteen come November 1, they'll have to register for a Member ID to participate in pre-reg. They'll have to log into their Member ID account after 8 August and follow specific instructions to qualify for pre-registration.

And of course everyone needs to use this year's badge to pre-register.

Why? On a practical level: probably because of the numeric code on it. On a strategic level: probably because CCI is secretly hoping that enough of us will lose/misplace/toss out our badge over the coming months that the pre-registration swarm won't be quite so deadly.

So there you have it. Some of us will be getting a 4-day badge for Christmas and others, a round of impotent fury and disgust. 

And remember, people for whom this will be the first pre-registration, only a small percentage of total badges go on the block for pre-reg. Yes, the world at large has been eliminated as competition and you're only competing with your fellow 125,000 attendees from this year - those bastards - but you're all competing for a small number of badges. Don't ask me how many. I don't know. My point is, this isn't your only shot at a 2014 badge. The public badge sale will be a few months later and you can try again then if this doesn't work out.

That said, hold onto your badge.


  1. Hi, how many people can we register?

    1. We don't know yet. Probably 3 or 4. Last year it was 3.

      Be aware that you can only register people who also went this year, so factor that into your plans.

  2. Thank you for your expertise!!! I know you made my first Comic Con experience one that I'll remember forever!!!
